There are just times in life when we find that people say things that just get under our skin. Often, they tend to do this in a way that may irritate or even anger us. However, there is also that occasion when someone just tickles our funny bone and the comment or scene that made us laugh just keeps getting funnier and funnier. This type of uncontrollable laughter often leaves us laughing so much our throats can get sore along with our ab muscles. Many experience tears running down their face as, for some reason, they just “can’t let it go.”
Now, for most of us, this type of laughter tends to subside after a couple of minutes unless something or someone gets us started up again. However, there are those folks with a neurological condition known as the Pseudobulbar affect (PBA), who often experience inappropriate and uncontrollable laughing or crying. This condition is commonly found in people with neurological injuries or conditions that impact how the brain handles emotion. And while most folks don’t have this condition, trying to suppress a good “belly laugh” can be as futile as stifling a sneeze or yawn. In this clip from Family Feud, host Richard Dawson hears an answer from a contestant that strikes him as being so funny that the host just can’t pull himself back together.

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It all started after Dawson asked the contestant, “During what month of pregnancy does a woman start to look pregnant,” to which she immediately blurted out, “September.” It took a second, but the joke hit everyone, including Dawson, who from there could not stop laughing. Every time the question came up, it would just send the game show host into hysterics!

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You can watch Dawson’s hilarious reaction in the video below.