Holloween is one of my favorite holidays of the year. Now, the holiday is often associated with concepts like blood, gore, and death. However, in the truth, that’s not what it’s all about. It’s a national celebration of weirdness, where for a few hours, folks are free to be kids again, allowing their imagination to show on the outside through brilliantly creative costumes. It’s the only time of the year where our weirdness is greeted by most folks with smiles and even cheers. It’s like an inverse universe where nerdiness is celebrated a being “different” draws people in rather than makes them avoid you.
One of the best things about Halloween, aside from the mountains of delicious candies, cakes, and other tooth-rotting goodies, is the haunted houses. A good haunted house can really get your blood pumping and your imagination working overtime. However, there’s more to it than just jumping out of nowhere and scaring folks. Any haunted house worth its price of admission will create an atmosphere of fear and anticipation in between the scares. Sometimes the anticipation of being scared is even worse than the scares! Hearing strangling noises in the dark while sensing things moving around you is absolutely terrifying! And in this video, Ellen Degeneres sends her producer, Andy, and Ariana Grande out to Universal Studio’s American Horror Story Maze during their Horror Nights celebration.
The video opens with Ellen dressed as Sia, complete with an oversized black and white wig, black bow, and black billowy dress. She’s even wearing lipstick, which seems weirder than anything else because you never see Ellen wearing a lot of makeup. As the two begin their descent into madness, Andy and Arina are constantly bombarded with jumpscares from every direction. The two start to look like pinballs as they bounce from wall to wall in utter terror as they make their way through the maze. The funniest thing is watching Andy crouching and cowering behind tiny 5’2 Ariana!
Watch as Andy and Ariana get the living shampoo scared out of them in the video below.