27 Examples Of How Your Bad Day Could Be A Lot Worse

We’ve all had bad days when it seemed like life was bored and picked us as a target of its amusement. On those days, either nothing seems to be going right, or everything’s going well until that one thing sends our day into a downward spiral. Most of the time, we don’t really see the humor while we’re in the moment, not the way others can.

But, no matter how crappy your day may seem, there’s always someone who’s having one that’s way worse!

Here are 27 examples that prove it.

1. Happy Birthday to the floor!

2. When doves rudely remind you they are NOT Disney cartoons!

3. Spy satellites gone wild.

4. Almost got it…just a little more…

5. Would you tell her?

6. What a librarian horror movie would look like.

7. Imagine coming home to find this?

8. Pepper with a dash of eggs, anyone?

9. Too bad there’s not a couple of really hungry dogs around when you need them…

10. Is the driver’s name is Wile E. Coyote, by any chance?

11. Cooking’s not just everyone’s thing. (What did you think I would say something else? Hmmm?)

12. Decision time, Larry. Just how badly do you want to make this job interview on time?

13. If this happened in Texas in July, you’d just throw down some bacon too. 

14. He’ll be so relieved to find he didn’t lose his phone…

15. Guess who’s not winning the chili cookoff this year?

16. Was the gate taking too long to open?

17. I know it’s called a “Magic Bullet,” but damn…

18. He probably thought it was good luck finding an open spot so close.

19. If there was a worthy moment to turn into a Karen at the grocery store, this might be it.

20. Life Tip: Never accept doing “small chore” without asking what it is first.

21. Why does his delivery driver hate him so much?

22. Kissing a frog ain’t like the movies, princess.

23. Wait…I’m picking up something…I predict…they are NOT getting their deposit back.

24. This teen had some splainin’ to do.

25. Well, maybe the homeowner’s a huge Alabama fan and won’t sue you to the moon and back…

26. When your spaghetti sauce needs that extra “something.”

27. Poor kid. He probably got yelled at for getting wet without permission. 

If you liked these hilarious photos, please be sure to pass this story along to your family and friends.

And have a nice day!