2 Men Didn’t Think Labor Hurt So Much So They Tried It For Themselves

What is the most pain that you have ever experienced in life? Many of us may look to a time when we had surgery or perhaps when we were injured. Others may think of some severe pain that they have experienced, such as when they had kidney stones. For a mother, giving birth is the most unforgettable experience that they will have in life. It is a painful time for sure but after the pain has disappeared, the mother will look back on that day and smile.

Of course, most mothers will also tell their children about how much pain they were in while they were bringing them into the world. I know that my mother used to talk to me about it on a frequent basis. Perhaps it was necessary because the media does not always portray childbirth in the realistic sense that it deserves. In some cases, it is here and gone so quickly in a movie or a TV show that it looks as if it is no problem at all!

You also have movies and television shows that portray it in the exact opposite way. They show it as being so painful that the woman is constantly screaming out, grabbing her husband and perhaps even lashing out at the doctors. Perhaps the truth lies somewhere in the middle, but there are certain people who will never know, and those people are men.

You might be interested in knowing that the situation with men is about to change thanks to Dr. Julie Masters. She has a machine that simulates labor pains and two men decided to give it a try. They had been joking with their wives about the way that many women talk about labor and delivery but it was their wives who were laughing when they were hooked up to the machines.

When the doctor turned the machine up to the active labor setting, the two men were panting and turning bright red. They were not laughing any longer but they were in some serious pain. Brian said he was at a 7 on the pain scale and the women were actually high-fiving in the background.

Dan said that the pain was about to make him throw up and Brian was breathing quite heavily. They were both screaming out loud and at that point, the women calmed down just a little bit. We can only imagine that they were still amused but they were at least empathetic at that point. When it was over, they were absolutely drained.

They both agreed that the experience was horrible and that the pain was worse than they expected. It was then that Brian issued an apology to his mother and both men walked away convinced that women are strong individuals.

You can see it for yourself in this video: