When it comes to famous individuals, it is often easy to recognize them. After all, we may see them in the movies, on television or perhaps performing their music but in any case, people seem to love seeing those individuals every opportunity they get. In addition to watching them perform, they may also be watched in almost anything that they do and celebrities seem to find themselves into the tabloids or into the news regularly. Their lives are not very private but then again, it works to their advantage in many ways. At times, somebody is famous for one reason and then becomes famous for another.
The Three Tenors became very popular for their music. Many people recognize them as a group and they may have also have recognized each individual within the group, but they tended to stick together as a collective. One of the individuals within that group was Luciano Pavarotti and people recognized him because of his beard. In addition, he also had a wonderful singing voice that earned him the admiration of many of his fans. As it turns out, however, he wasn’t always so easily recognizable but that doesn’t mean that he didn’t have the same level of talent.
The facial hair that Luciano Pavarotti had while he was performing with the Three Tenors defined him in many ways. At the same time, however, he still had the ability to sing wonderfully. Although we may not recognize him so easily when we see him before he had the beard, we likely still recognize his voice.
The video below is a classic of Luciano Pavarotti singing in Moscow in 1964. Even though he had not yet gained the level of popularity he would eventually gain, he still had a voice that was recognizable. You can hear it for yourself in the following video: