Besides being one of the wealthiest artists alive today and one of the most decorated musicians in history, Lady Gaga remains a surprisingly caring and humble human being. At a recent concert, the legendary diva took the time to make the concert really special for one lucky little boy. Lady Gaga is staring into the audience when suddenly, she says, “You’re really cute. You are! Will you come sit up here with me while I play?” The little boy rushes up to the stage and crawls into the diva’s lap and wraps his arms around her in delight. Gaga prompts him to speak into the microphone, and he says, “Thank you,” then tells his name, and adds that he’s “ten years old.” Lady Gaga tells him that “you’re very handsome and I’d like to sing a song for you if that’s OK. Would you like to get on my bike?” The little boy happily sits down in front of her. Then, Lady Gaga gently puts her hands on the piano keyboard and says, “I’m just going to put my hands right here, is that OK? I’m going to play right over you.”
Gaga then looks into the audience and asks the woman who the little boy was with, “Is this your brother?” Obviously, she’s paying the lady a compliment because she’s youthful-looking. When the woman says that the little boy is her son, Lady Gaga tells her how fortunate the lady is because her son is “beautiful.”As she begins to play her piano, Lady Gaga explains that the song she’s about to play is about all of the letters she receives from fans and all the stories she’s been hearing from the fans for the last several years. She adds that when she wrote the “Born This Way” album, she wrote it first for her fans, then for herself.

She said that when she was touring for that album, she had to truly live and believe the words and lyrics in the songs. Lady Gaga admitted that it was hard to live the words sometimes because the album is very positive, and sometimes life gets you down, and it’s hard to stay upbeat. She goes on to say that she began to understand that her fans truly love the person underneath the music, the “raw and pure artist, the woman underneath all of this.” She said that “I only belong to my fans,” not to the public. She then said, “Thank you for loving the girl who creates all of this,” not just what’s on the stage, adding that she’s grateful for the love they share with her.
Then, she turns to the little boy and tells him that he’s lucky to have the mom he has and that he’s as wonderful as his hair. Watch this touching video below. This is an experience this little boy will never forget, and he’ll be telling this story to his grandchildren someday.