Talented Four-Wheel Roller Skater Performs on Basketball Court Like an Olympic Figure Skater on Ice

Back in 1743, when the first known pair of roller skates were seen in public at a play in London, England, nobody could have imagined they would become a “thing.” And ever since then, there have been several design changes and upgrades to reach the roller skate we know today. James Leonard Plimpton is the man credited with designing the “Quad Skate” roller skate that we use today. But, it’s unlikely that even he could have imagined some of the incredible things people would ending doing on his marvelous wheeled shoes. Now, many of us may be used to seeing folks execute certain tricks like skating backward, turns, a couple of jumps, and maybe the odd figure-eight here and there. However, it’s hard to believe that someone could actually ice skate on roller skates. If anything, we would assume they would need rollerblades to pull off something like that.

But, in 2014, a young lady roller-skated onto a basketball court in traditional four-wheeled skates and stunned the audience with a skating performance that looked like it could have been in the Olympics. Luna Casaretto is a well-known rollerblade skater who’s a member of the MAGMA PATITNAJE ARTISTICO, a rollerblade club that specializes in figure skating. In the video, we see Luna starting her routine in the middle of the flour seated with her head down. Suddenly, “I Will Always Love You” by Whitney Houston begun to fill the air, and Luna began to slowly stretch herself until she completed a fantastic slow forward handstand into the standing position.

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When Luna starts to skate, she starts off slow, keeping in rhythm with the pace of the song. The next thing you know, she starts to pull off some graceful ice-skating moves such as single-leg spins and even a double axil! Luna continues to glide and spin while keeping in perfect harmony with the music. You have to continue looking at her feet and the court to remember she’s not on ice!

Image via YouTube

You can watch Luna’s remarkable performance in the video below.

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