When it comes to real talents, I would say that most people have the ability to perform. Of course, not everybody has the ability to perform for crowds of hundreds or thousands of people but then again, we likely are able to do something that we can share with our closest friends and family members. Every once in a while, however, somebody is able to take things to the next level and that is the case with this ballet dancer. It doesn’t matter if you are a big fan of ballet or not, you will instantly recognize the quality of what she is able to do.
When an individual is talented with dancing, they have something that they can certainly share with the masses. Many of us have probably become familiar with styles of dance in recent years that we never even knew before. Dancing has been a very popular subject of some television shows, such as Dancing with the Stars and you probably know more about it than you ever thought you would know. Then again, there are certain styles of dance that we may not be as familiar with and there are some that are just too unique to even have a name.
In the video that you see below, there is a woman who is doing a most unique dance and it is one that may leave you wondering how she was able to do it in the first place. It is affectionately referred to as ‘The Spider’ and it only takes a few moments of watching the video to recognize why it was named as such.
There have been others who have tried to copy this unique dance but the original is always going to be the best. As you watch her move through the choreography, you understand why she was named as the 2012-2013 critics choice ‘outstanding dancer’ as seen in Dance Europe magazine. Watch this unique dance for yourself in the following video.