We sometimes wonder what makes somebody famous. We recognize that they have to have a level of talent in order to entertain others if they want to be a star. At the same time, we probably know somebody who has a lot of talent and they aren’t entertaining thousands of people in a packed out stadium. What is the difference? Quite simply, it has to do with the way that somebody markets himself. Many of the famous individuals who are there to entertain us today only got to that point because they marketed themselves successfully and just happened to be at the right place at the right time. One of those individuals is Lady Gaga and I’m sure that you will recognize the fact that she is an extremely talented person. At the same time, however, she isn’t afraid to do something unusual.
In fact, Lady Gaga has built her entire career on doing unusual things. Yes, she can sing and play the piano amazingly well and I think that any of us would be entertained if she were just sitting in our living room, playing and when entertaining us. As you are about to see in this video, however, where she is performing “the Edge of Glory”, she isn’t afraid to go overboard and out on the edge when it comes to unusual performances. Not only is she standing on a rather strange stage with half naked people dancing around her, she gets down on the floor and dances like nobody’s watching! The entire crowd was carried away with the experience.
Lady Gaga has really left her mark in history and I’m sure that all of us appreciate the fact that she is a big enough celebrity that she is almost a household name. At the same time, however, she is a very talented individual who can stand in front of an audience and perform with all of the confidence in the world.
Everybody brings something unique to the stage and that is what makes things interesting. Lady Gaga does more than bring something unique, she is unique in every sense of the word. Enjoy the following video to find out why.