For fans of the singing competition reality TV show “American Idol,” Kelly Clarkson, the first American Idol, represents the gold standard that many subsequent idols are often measured next to. And with three Grammys and 12 other nominations, it’s not hard to see why. Throughout her career, Clarkson has had to battle many ups and downs, as celebrity and stardom come with its own unique costs. However, if there’s one thing that hasn’t changed about the artist is her ability to emote every ounce of her soul into each song. Taking a song into a deep and personal place is something that not every artist can do.
Such performances are often very emotionally and physically draining, and her song titled “Beautiful Disaster,” is certainly one that stirs a lot of emotions. The song was co-written and produced by Matthew Wilder along with Rebekah Jordan. It speaks of a woman who prays about a man that she’s in love with despite all of his deep flaws. Clarkson’s ability to connect a feeling of heartbreak and deep sorrow with the song’s lyrics make it one of my personal favorites. And in this video from the third season finale of American Idol, we get to see Clarkson performing “Beautiful Disaster” live.
The video shows the singer sitting on top of a piano, looking as beautiful as ever. Clarkson is, without a doubt, one of the classiest and most elegant ladies in the music business, and her haunting vocals are simply priceless.
You can enjoy this brilliant performance from the very first American Idol in the video below.