Eric Clapton Performs ‘Over The Rainbow’ Live In This Concert From Los Angeles, CA

There are certain musicians that just seem to be able to entertain us with their abilities. Some can sing, others can play musical instruments but in either case, they can change our mood and make us feel better when we are feeling down. There are also some musicians who have the ability to both play an instrument and sing but their abilities go far beyond those musical talents. They also have that special something that changes them from a common celebrity to a superstar. I’m sure that you can think of at least one individual who fits that description.

One of the musicians who has certainly become a superstar and his music will live on for many years is Eric Clapton. I’m sure that you have heard his music before and he is absolutely amazing, regardless of whether he is playing a slow ballad or if he is playing some hard rock ‘n’ roll. If you’ve ever had the opportunity to see Eric Clapton in concert, you already know that he puts on a live performance that is just as good as his music you hear on the radio. As he plays one song after another, you can’t help but join in and love what you are hearing.

In the video below, he plays in Los Angeles, California back in 2001. The recordings are available and you can see them on YouTube, just in case you didn’t have the opportunity to see him in concert. I’m sure that everybody was keyed up over enjoying the experience, but now the concert was coming to a close.

Most performers have a signature song that they sing at the end of their concert. Not only does it become a highlight of the concert, it also lets people know that the concert is coming to an end. For Eric Clapton, the song is ‘Over the Rainbow’, and you will love being able to see and hear it in the following video:

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