White Lion And White Tiger Fall In Love And Make Adorable Liger Cubs

In nature, a white tiger is extremely rare. However, these animals are not to be confused with Siberian tigers, which are also white. White Bengal tigers have a genetic abnormality which causes them to be white. Like albinoism, this is a natural phenomenon that happens within nature. Right now, there are only 1,200 white tigers in the world. And white lions are even rarer. They also have a similar genetic abnormality that gives then their light fur and skin pigmentation. However, there are only about 300 white tigers left in the world. But, against all the odds, a male white lion and female white tiger fell in lover at the T.I.G.E.R Sanctuary in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina.

Perhaps you’ve heard of a liger? A liger is the offspring of a lion and tiger. These cubs are also incredibly rare, mostly because lions and tigers only cross paths in captivity. There are roughly about 1,000 ligers in the world. Most are in captivity. But, the T.I.G.E.R Sanctuary believes that they’ve managed to breed the world’s first white ligers! The cubs are expected to grow whiter as they get older.

The sanctuary has a long history of breeding ligers. They even bred the current world-record-holding Hercules, the world’s biggest liger. However, now that Ivory the white lion and Saraswati the white tiger has created four absolutely adorable white liger cubs, the world champ’s popularity may be at risk.

The cubs were named Odlin, Yeti, Sampson, and Apolo. And not only are these the cutest little cubs ever, but they are believed to be the very first of their kind! Dr. Adle, the founder of the T.I.G.E.R Sanctuary, thinks they will grow even larger than Hercules.

I skip a day seeing them and it looks like they’ve doubled in size. It’s like someone’s blowing them up with a tire pump,” he said.

Yeti is by far the most energetic and attention-seeking liger of the bunch, so look for more news about his cute antics in the future! Tell us what you think of these beautiful creatures? Leave a comment below, and be sure to share these adorable little liger cubs with your friends and family.

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