Just like people, there are dogs who need their hair cut or trimmed occasionally. Most pet owners who have dogs who need their hair cut take their dogs to dog groomers who are practiced at giving pooches a stylish ‘do. However, one dog mom thought she could handle the task herself. Since most of us have been spending more time at home and using fewer outside services, many people are doing some basic things themselves, so why not dog grooming? Susana Soares is a hairstylist (for humans) and she thought she could surely handle trimming the bangs on her adorable dog Mano.
Mano needs the hair trimmed out of his eyes occasionally and when the pair were hanging out the other week, Susana realized it had been a while since he had been to the groomer. In short, his shag was becoming something of an issue and his hair was getting in his eyes, something that frustrates the poor little guy. So what was the solution? Of course, Susana thought she could easily trim the hair out of Mano’s eyes. She grabbed her scissors and got to work, and the results were hilarious. Certainly, she solved Mano’s urgent issue, which was getting the hair out of his eyes. However, he’s unlikely to be courting the ladies looking like this.
Susana Soares
Mano’s bangs look about like mine did the one time I cut them! Mano now has a quite questionable new look and it’s almost a look that suggests he cut them himself without a mirror. As for Susana, she said, “I fell on the floor laughing.” Mano looks super silly, of course, but he’s not a vain fellow. The most important thing to him is that he can see again without the annoying bangs getting in his eyes.
Susana Soares
Also, when it’s touseled up, it doesn’t look half bad. Sort of David Beckham-ish, I think.
Susana Soares
What matters is that Susana had the best of intentions, and she said she will NOT be cutting Mano’s bangs again.