Tourist Captures Footage Of Elephant Herd Charging Mother Elephant After Giving Birth

There are many amazing things in the world around us but perhaps one of the most extraordinary is the birth of the child. There is something special about bringing a new one into the world, and it doesn’t matter if it is a human or any other animal, it is just as special. Those of us who have children recognize it is a privilege and as parents, we want to do everything we can to care for the children in the proper way.

Although we may do a lot of the work ourselves when we are parents, we also recognize that the community plays a large part as well. Perhaps you have heard the old saying that it ‘takes a village to raise a child’ and we recognize the truthfulness behind that saying. As it turns out, it’s not only humans who could use a little hand every once in a while, animals have that need as well. That is what makes this video footage from a Safari in Africa so special.

The group of tourists were having a good time on Safari and they stopped to watch a herd of elephants. They were gathered at a watering hole and it was an incredible sight. What they didn’t realize at first, however, was the fact that they were about to see something extraordinary.

One of the elephants separated herself from the herd and the tourist didn’t know why. It wasn’t long, however, before they realized the elephant was about to give birth. That is when the video started and the entire experience was captured. The elephant can be seen going through contractions and suddenly, she gives birth. Everything seems to go well but as the elephant drops, something else amazing happens.

The mother starts to make trumpeting sounds and it is almost as if she is celebrating the entry of a new baby into the world. Suddenly, the community of elephants that is nearby comes running over as if to say hello. They also start celebrating with the mother and the entire herd gets involved.

Suddenly, the herd is protecting the young one and you can watch it all happen in this video:

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