Science Has Identified The Most Beautiful Dog Breed

Ask anyone who has a dog and their family and they will tell you they have the most beautiful dog in the world. It’s something that all of us agree on, the fact that our dog is absolutely perfect.

Technology is an amazing thing and as we continue to look at the world around us, it also gives us a perspective from a more scientific point of view. Now, science has spoken and they have told us the most beautiful dog breed in the world.

What would you think is the scientifically most beautiful dog in the world? Does a dog breed such as a beagle or perhaps a golden retriever come to mind? Maybe it is a poodle? You might be surprised that they aren’t even at the top.

Admittedly, beauty is in the eye of the beholder but we do have the Golden ratio to consider. The Golden ratio exists in the world around us in many different forms, from the petals of flowers to the seeds in a sunflower plant.

The closer something is to the golden ratio, the more likely it is going to be beautiful to the human eye. In fact, they have even named some of the most beautiful women in the world as a result of looking at the Golden ratio.

Some women who tend to be beautiful for this reason include Ariana Grande, Jodie Comer, and Bella Hadid. The men who fall in the same category include Aaron Taylor-Johnson and Lucien Laviscount.

Enough about people, however, what about dogs? Science has now looked at the Golden ratio in comparison to some popular dog breeds and they have determined which is the most beautiful breed in the world. In fact, they came up with a top 10 list.

10) Pembroke Welsh Corgi – 83.9 percent

9) Norfolk Terrier – 84.3 percent

8) Italian Greyhound – 84.9 percent

7) Tolling Retriever – 85.0 percent

6) Weimaraner – 85.6 percent

5) Welsh Terrier – 85.9 percent

4) Rhodesian Ridgeback – 86.0 percent

3) Border Collie – 86.7 percent

2) West Highland White Terrier – 87.5 percent

1) Cairn Terrier – 88.7 percent

Interestingly, the Rottweiler, bulldog, and Shit Tzu are among some of the least beautiful dog breeds, according to the golden ratio.

There are going to be those who take exception to this rule, but it isn’t one that is hard and fast. Each of us has our own particular likes and dislikes, but if you’re going from a purely scientific perspective, then this list is probably factored in.

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