Missing Dog Walks Into Police Station And Turns Himself In

If there is one thing that we recognize about dogs, it’s the fact that they are absolutely incredible. As far as animals go, many of us would never consider living life without a dog by our side. After all, they provide us with so many good things, from protection to unconditional love to a good laugh every once in a while. From the moment that we bring a dog into our home they become a member of the family and we wouldn’t have it any other way. As it turns out, dogs are more than awesome to have around, they are smart as a whip. That is especially true of the dog in this story.

When you are a police officer working at the station on the late shift, you never quite know what you are going to run into. In fact, it might not surprise you to see anything walk through the door, and it is likely that you have seen everything in the past. Every once in a while, however, a surprise may come your way and I’m sure that’s how the police felt when that unexpected visitor came into the police station late at night. It wasn’t a human that came into the station in Texas that evening, it was a friendly dog that seemed as if he had something to tell the police officers. It was the fact that there was a missing dog, and that dog was him.

Rusty Martin was the sergeant on duty along with other officers that were there when the dog walked through the doors. Although the dog was missing from home, he didn’t seem overly concerned about it. To them, it just appeared as if the dog was out to enjoy himself.

“We were all excited to have him in the building,” Martin told The Dodo. “We had a tennis ball and threw it in the lobby for a bit. Everyone loved on him.”

Even though the dog was a surprise to everyone there that evening, they still had a case to solve. The problem is, it wasn’t going to be an easy case to crack.

Even though the dog was there to visit, he didn’t have an ID tag. He did have a collar, but the ID tag was gone so they called animal control. They wanted help to see if he had a microchip.

Before animal control could arrive at the police station, things changed unexpectedly.

It seems as if the dog had been gone long enough and was now ready to go home so he left to do it without any prompting.

“He ran out just as quick as he came in,” Martin said, having posted about the incident on Facebook. “The owner responded the next day [to say that] it was his dog and he had returned home. He lives about a mile from the station.”

It turns out that the dog’s name is Chico and he was able to solve the case all on his own.

“I was impressed,” Martin said. “He may just be cut out for this work.”

Source: The DoDo

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