Man Runs Away From An Adorable Miniature Horse Chasing Him

When you really stop to think about all of the different things that you see on a day-to-day basis, it can be quite overwhelming. Some of it is just going to be normal and we won’t even give it a second thought. At other times, however, there are things that may surprise us to the point where we actually do a double-take. It is rare for it to happen but when it does take place, those are the things that tend to stick with us all day long. I’d like to give you the opportunity to do a double-take when seeing something adorable.

When you watch the video below, you might think that you are seeing something that has been faked in some way or another. It’s of a man by the name of Sterling who has a little horse chasing him. You might not think that it sounds unusual but when you see that the horse is actually extremely tiny, it is going to give you the double-take experience that we are expecting. Sterling is running away and the little horse is trotting along, looking as if it is just nothing more than a miniature version of a full-grown horse.

In reality, it is a foal that is only 3 days old but it has an amazing ability to run and it does so fantastically. It enjoys chasing and, considering the fact that this little fella spent 11 of his past months inside the womb of his mother, we can understand why he is so anxious to get out there and start running!

Of course, I’m sure that Sterling is also loving this moment in life, just as much as we are. It’s one of those things it doesn’t last very long but for the few days that it does last, it is a perfect moment. Watch it for yourself below:

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