I’ve often said that although I’m sure Australia is a beautiful country, when it comes to all of the scary spiders and stuff they have there, it may be the Land of Nope for dudes like me who don’t like things that crawl around. My wife would love to visit the Land Down Under, but I’m encouraging her to find other travel venues for the near future. In other words, I’m hoping to wait it out just long enough that she forgets the idea. One reason is the video that I just watched on Instagram. A Perth, Australia man named Olly Hurst revealed something that blew my mind.
Olly is a plumber in Perth and after he put his noise-canceling headphones on for work one day, he felt a tickle in his ear. Puzzled, he removed the headphones and revealed that there was a giant huntsman spider inside one of the ears. As it turns out, the huntsman spider is a docile spider that doesn’t even bite very often. If they do bite, their venom isn’t deadly, although it can cause some pain and discomfort. But here’s the deal. These spiders are HUGE. They’re brown or grey in color, and in some varieties, their undersides can be marked in black and white. However, it’s their size that’s crazy.
tw // huntsman spider
Huntsman spiders creep me out because of the way they look, and they’re also fast. I’m starting to get over my fear though. But they won’t bite, they’ll just run away. I’ll just trap it and find a big enclosure for it. https://t.co/Pnni5dm6Hk
— Lyric (@BrightSunShawty) March 17, 2021
A huntsman spider’s leg span often reaches as much as 5.9 inches. Their bodies are a little less than half an inch long. But what did Olly do about his spider? Well, some folks urged him to throw the headphones away and buy new ones. The thing is, he shook the headphones, but couldn’t get the spider to budge. Usually, these big gentle spiders just run away and hide instead of being aggressive. They usually survive in the wild or in homes by eating other pests, such as bugs and flies. Native to Australia, they can also be found in the United States and some areas of the world.
Watch Olly’s crazy video below.
Image: Wikipedia