Those of us who have pets love our beloved furry companions. They keep us company all the time, love us unconditionally (well, not the cats so much), and they also give us someone to love and shower with affection. But how did dogs become domesticated anyhow? Well, all dogs are descended from wolves, so the domestication of canines probably met a need for both wolves and humans. Wolves enjoyed being able to have access to a more regular diet, especially via a human’s leftovers from a hunt, and humans probably quickly discovered that dogs provide us with companionship and also some much-needed protection.
With that said, if you have a dog, it’s very likely that you’ve been “rescued” when you didn’t need to be rescued. For example, when your significant other is trying to give you some affection and your dog sees it as a threat of some sort. It’s happened. A dog named Igor recently had to save his human companion, Montse, from herself. Now to be clear, Montse was in no danger, but Igor thought she was and he by golly was intent on coming to her rescue. Montse, in addition to being a loving dog owner, is also an exercise enthusiast. And like most people who love to exercise, sometimes she wears herself out and gets tired. Maybe she even groans a bit.

A few weeks ago, she decided to record herself doing some pull-ups so she could watch her form on video playback. Well, Igor was there, and he completely misread the situation and thought she was in danger. When he saw her dangling and struggling, it was more than he could handle and he did what any dog would do: he scooted a chair underneath her feet so she could get down. Yes, he really did. “The move with the chair was out of nowhere,” Montse told The Dodo. “I had no idea he was gonna push it.” As it turns out, the pull-ups were very confusing to Igor.

Here’s the wonderful video. Aren’t dogs just the best? We don’t deserve dogs.
so helpful of my dog to put the chair under my feet, love him to death
— bob burger and his wife (@monsterrats) March 21, 2020