Cute Tiny Maine Coon Kitten Grows To Become The World’s Longest Cat

When Melbourne, Australia resident Stephy Hirst brought home her new kitten Omar, he was the same size as his other kitten siblings.

She never imagined, however, that her little Omar would soon grow to become a top contender for the Guinness World Record title of World’s Longest Cat.

“We were expecting a 9 kilo [19 pound] cat,” Hirst told the Maroondah Leader (via Global News).

“He got to that [length] before he was one year old, and that’s when we sort of realized that he’s not nearly done yet.”

Now that he’s a full-grown cat, Omar measures an incredible 47 inches and weighs over 30 pounds! Wow, now that’s one big cat!

According to Hirst, on a typical day, Omar wakes up bright, and early around 5 am. He then enjoys his mourning breakfast, consisting of a few cups of dry cat food. After that, he relaxes around the house and then goes outside to play in the yard. Once he’s done playing, the ginormous kitty stretches out on his favorite napping spot, a trampoline, before chowing down on a delicious feast of raw kangaroo meat. That’s right kangaroo meat!


“It’s the only meat we could find that he actually wants to eat,” Hirst

While this big guy is undoubtedly treated like royalty, he is, however, banned from the bed.

He does take up a bit too much room… so he gets locked out of the bedroom at night,” Hirst

Hirst also created an Instagram account dedicated to Omar, where he became an instant cat celebrity for adoring cat lovers everywhere.

When one of Omar’s photos was shared on the famous Cats of Instagram account, the kitty became an overnight sensation. That’s when Guinness World Records contacted Hirst requesting Omar’s measurements.

“All of our friends want to come over and see our cat,” Hirst told the BBC. “The say ‘is that Photoshopped?’ or ‘that can’t be real’ and then they see him in the flesh.”

For Omar to win the title of world’s longest cat, the kitty must first unseat the current title-holder, another Maine Coon named Ludo who lives in Wakefield, Yorkshire. If Ludo’s reported measurements are correct, then he’s 46.5 inches long, which would make Omar about half an inch longer.

However, as of yet, Guinness has not updated their official records.

According to Vet Street, Maine Coon cats are the official cat of the state of (you guessed it) Maine. These cats grow very big, adorned with beautiful net ruff, dainty britches, and tufted feed that resemble snowshoes. They also have a big bushy tail that they can wrap around themselves during long cat naps. They are believed to be the oldest cat breed native to America.

These cats have a sweet and friendly personality, are highly adaptable, very affectionate, child-friendly, dog-friendly, highly intelligent, and are very friendly to strangers. They also have moderate shedding issues, as well as average health issues, social needs, and energy levels.

They also enjoy playing fetch and are willing to learn how to walk on a leash. This makes them an excellent choice for folks who love to show their cats in the park. Maine Coons also have a unique form of communication that sounds more like the chirping trill of a bird than a traditional cat’s meow. It’s quite a strange experience when you hear it from these giant felines.

Here’s a video of Omar’s story, please remember to share this big kitty’s tale with your friends and family!

Is this the longest cat in the world?

Omar the maine coon is as big as three normal cats – and could grow to be the longest in the world.

Posted by ABC News on Wednesday, May 17, 2017


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