Cute Little Twin Tiger Cubs Enter The World As Their Beautiful Mother Gives Birth

For those who have seen a child being born in person, it’s an experience you can never forget, especially for those women giving birth! There is something life-affirming about watching a tiny life take his or her first breath of air and cry out. It reminds us that life continues, that we are a part of something bigger. While many people concern themselves with slowing down death, too few people actually take the time to really look at what it means to be alive and live in the moment. That moment when a baby comes into the world, it is absolutely present, there’s no thinking about the past or the future.

This is also the case in the animal kingdom, and one of the most beautiful creatures to you can witness entering this world are tigers. For 16 weeks or 3.5 months, a pregnant female tiger carries her cubs until she is ready to give birth. Often, they will have between three and four cubs per litter. But sometimes they can have as few as one or two or as many as seven. However, those who have a higher number of cubs often don’t see many of them survive. When you watch these little ones enter the world, it can be a bit scary, because sometimes they don’t appear to be breathing.

Source: YouTube

However, once their mom licks them clean, the little fur babies start to spring to life. There are even those cubs who come out and give the cutest little squeak roar you’ve ever heard!

Source: YouTube

If you would like to witness the miracle of a tiger birth for yourself, you can see one in the video below.


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