Cat Lost In Yellowstone Travels 800+ Miles And Is Home Again

Ask anyone who has a cat and they will tell you that felines can do some amazing things. They constantly surprise us with their intelligence, but one cat took things to an entirely different level.

When Benny and Susanne Anguiano went on a camping trip to Yellowstone, they took their cats along. On this particular trip, however, one of the cats, Rayne Beau ended up in Roseville, California at the SPCA.

It all started when the feline got startled and ran off into the trees at Yellowstone National Park. The couple was worried about his safety and they spent the rest of their trip looking for their beloved pet.

In the hopes that he would find his way back to them, they would put out his favorite treats and toys. They were heartbroken when they had to leave at the end of their trip, fearing that they would never see their pet again.

Suzanne said it was the hardest day because she felt like she was abandoning him. Although they knew it was a long shot, she continued to hope that she would see him again.

Something happened as they were leaving the park that reminded them of their pet, whose name is pronounced similar to ‘rainbow’. Suzanne said: “We were driving along and out of nowhere, these double rainbows appear, and it just knit it all together for me.”

60 days later, a message came in from Pet Watch came in with the microchip information and identification of their beloved cat. He was in Roseville, California, after being found by a woman in the area wandering the streets.

She could tell that he was someone’s pet so she turned them in. They were excited to see him but he was not in the healthiest of conditions.

Suzanne said that he was really depleted, adding: “He probably didn’t have a lot of energy to even go further.”

They have no idea how their cat was able to travel some 800 miles over two months but they are thankful to have him back again. They also want to encourage others who have lost pets never to give up hope.

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