Black Rain Frogs Look Like Little Frowning Avocados But Makes Cutest Squeaking Noises

Most of us don’t spend a lot of time thinking about toads and frogs. However, the ideas we do have about these reptiles are much stranger than their looks. For instance, some folks sincerely believe toads can give you “warts.” Others believe that the difference between toads and frogs is that toads are terrestrial, and frogs mostly live in water.

While the last statement is mostly true, there are a few exceptions. One exception is African rain frogs, also known as black rain frogs.

While these creatures are technically frogs, the Brevicipitdae species are mainly terrestrial. They live in soil or piles of fallen leaves.


Sometimes they even like to hang out in trees. The skin on these frogs is also rougher, with a bumpy texture often found on toads.


Lately, folks have fallen in love with these adorably grumpy-looking critters. The best description so far has to be “angry little avocados.”


Black rain frogs live in sand and soil. Their African natural habitats are usually covered in thick sea fog, which moistens the sand for their comfort.


These little critters like spending most of their days burrowed down in wet, cool sand. At night they come out to eat and mate.


Unlike most other frogs, these little creatures don’t start as tadpoles. They hatch from eggs as fully-developed frogs!


Also, they aren’t always so round, but they tend to trend on the chunkier side naturally.


When these animals feel threatened or just annoyed, they take in lungfuls of air and puff themselves up to appear more prominent. And then they yet out a horrifying scream to set terror in the hearts of their antagonists.


At least, that’s probably what they think they’re doing. Listen to the unique sound black rain frogs make in the video below, and you’ll see what I mean.

Don’t they sound like squeaky toys? When I played this video, my cat started searching for her favorite toy. It was hilarious! Please be sure to pass this adorable story along to your friends and family.