Baby Rabbits Enjoy Loving Their Golden Retriever ‘Mom’

There are plenty of things that we may find adorable in this world but I think we would have a difficult time topping what bunnies bring to the table. After all, even adult rabbits are adorable but when you put them into a tiny package as baby rabbits, it just takes things to the next level. Then again, there are also many other things that are adorable, and golden retrievers make the list. They are loving animals that are a great part of any family but when you put the 2 of them together, it is just cuteness overload.

I’d like you to introduce you to Bailey, the golden retriever. She had a rabbit housemate and the rabbit had little bunnies, which led to one of the cutest things that you are sure to see. When Bailey knew that the rabbit was pregnant, she showed her a little extra attention but when the rabbit was there with some newborn bunnies, it seemed as if Bailey was curious on another level. She respected the mother rabbit and stayed a safe distance but when the bunnies got a little older, Bailey wasn’t very far away.

It wasn’t long before the bunnies were hopping around and Bailey realized that she was going to fulfill an even bigger purpose. The rabbit mother was absolutely thrilled to see the babies reach that point in their life, but Bailey was the happiest when she realized they could play.

At one point, you can really see the connection between these loving animals. It is absolutely adorable to watch and it’s easy to see how the videos we show below have gone viral in so many ways.

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