In a lot of ways, the organization called Safe In Austin is like many other rescues around the country. They have a full roster of residents who have been rescued from various troubled backgrounds. In fact, when animals arrive at the rescue, they’re fed, loved, cared for, and for many of them, it’s the first time in their life they’ve ever known care and kindness. And believe it or not, all of this started with just one simple but meaningful lesson. The rescue is run by Jamie Wallace Griner and her family and they provide a unique service to the community beyond caring for animals who need a little hope.
Jamie’s son has autism and when she saw how magical it was for her son to interact with the family’s dog, she got the idea for the rescue. “Our story starts with a dog appropriately named Angel,” their Facebook “About” page reads. “She was our son’s Autism Service dog, and she changed his entire world.” The page goes on to explain that although the family has always loved animals, Angel changed everything for their family and it became clear that an animal’s love can be healing and can also be “literally miraculous.” As a matter of fact, Jamie credits the family’s dog with giving her little boy strength beyond what even a mother’s love can give him.
“She provided protection from his fears, a gentle understanding of his moods and emotions, and gave him a feeling of control over his disabilities,” Jamie explained. She goes on to say that the dog opened up the family’s eyes to how much healing power an animal can have. As a result, the family bought a property in Leander, Texas, which is near Austin, and before long, the animals began to find them.

Jamie says, “We have dogs that have been abused beyond your wildest imagination, but are an example of total forgiveness and trust.” At the farm, they also have “giant pigs who were saved from the slaughter truck” and “precious baby goats.” In fact, there are so many varied animals at the farm that they can offer an animal counterpart for some of the ailments or abuse that area children have experienced. “The child whose legs have never worked quite right experiences instant joy when he meets a dog who has a wheelchair just like him,” Jamie explains. Watch the video below for more information.
Images: Facebook