When we look at the world around us, we often tend to focus on the negative. It isn’t that we are negative people, so to speak, it’s because that is what is presented to us on a day-to-day basis. The news channels are in business to make money and in order to get advertising dollars, they will report on whatever it is that makes people come back for more. These tend to be negative things, such as natural disasters or civil unrest. Unfortunately, it can cloud our vision to the good things that are happening in the world around us, and that is what we have in the following video.
I think that we could all agree that pets are absolutely amazing. When we think about pets, we tend to think about dogs and cats or on the fringe, we may think about rabbits or perhaps a guinea pig. All of these can make amazing pets but the fact is, when we invite any animal into our home, we quickly become attached to them and they become a part of our family. That is even true of this pet crab, which is perhaps the most unusual pet I’ve ever heard of in my life. When somebody took them in, they realized exactly how adorable a crab can be so they started taking videos.
It seems as if this pet crab loves food of all types. Just like a dog that eats table scraps, this crab enjoys potato chips, bananas, watermelons, and even some cooked food every once in awhile. That was clearly seen when a bowl of noodles was put in front of the crab and it wasn’t long before he was diving in.
This is more than just an adorable video, it also shows us that crabs are rather intelligent. At first, he just stood there and looked at the noodles, perhaps wondering what to do about them. Before long, he was picking them up with his claws and chowing down in the most adorable way. Watch it for yourself below: