There is an old expression that you have probably heard many times in your life, ‘birds of a feather flock together’. We not only hear it, we may often see it in practice in our life because people who are similar to each other do tend to attract each other and they tend to run in groups more often than not. It seems as if this is not only something that is true of humans, it is also true in the animal kingdom. Dogs tend to hang around with other dogs, lions with lions and elephants with elephants. There are some crossovers from time to time, but not as often as most people would think.
There is an interesting experience that is happening at the St. Petersburg zoo that shows just how true the statement is. It is not two birds that are sticking with each other, however, it is two felines, one house cat and one lynx. Of course, we probably wouldn’t expect to see a wildcat inside of our home at any time but it probably isn’t all that unusual to see a house cat wandering around the zoo. It seems as if the house cat snuck its way into the zoo enclosure and before long, was best friends with the lynx.
Although we consider the feline to be a house cat, she was actually living on the streets and was probably just as lonely as the wildcat living inside of the enclosure. She was looking for a warm place to sleep and food to eat and that is when she found her way into the pen. After the initial meeting, it seems as if they bonded very quickly.
Before long, the kitten was not only inside of the enclosure, she had found a new home. The two felines were getting along quite well and although it is unlikely for it to happen very often, it happened in a big way at the St. Petersburg zoo. See more in the following video:
Source: Animal Channel