9 Incredible Pictures That Show Shining Rainbow Hummingbird Wings

We live in a world that is absolutely incredible. All too often, however, our attention seems to be focused on things that are negative. It isn’t really our fault, the entire media empire is based on bad news, and it wants our attention because it means advertising dollars to them. Unfortunately, bad news does sell but when you have the opportunity to dwell on something positive, you realize that the bad news can just fade into the background.

Sometimes you just need to stop and take a look at the little things in life. When you can appreciate those little things, it can warm your heart and let you know that all is truly well with the world. For photographer Christian Spencer, a moment occurred when he realized that something very beautiful was right in front of his eyes. He was in Rio de Janeiro on his veranda and he saw a hummingbird in the sunlight. The light produced a beautiful prism effect and he has been capturing those moments for other people to enjoy.

Christian Spencer saw the sun illuminating a black Jacobin hummingbird.

The sun was creating a prism effect that made the wings of the hummingbird look like a rainbow.

“There is no special technique, just diffraction of light through the wings of this special hummingbird”

Spencer put together a film of these incredible hummingbirds, called ‘The Dance of Time’ in 2011. Since that time, it has received three best film honors as well as 10 international awards. Spencer said: “I decided to try and photograph the same phenomenon with my camera.” He has created a series since that time called the Winged Prism and it results in “a secret of nature that cannot be seen with our eyes.”

No digital manipulation was used when creating the series. “There is no special technique,” he explained, “just diffraction of light through the wings of this special hummingbird.”

“Nobody ever could have ever dreamed that this was a reality. I receive emails every day from people across the world touched by these images.”

People loved what they were seeing:

Source: Bored Panda

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