27 Silly Dogs That Will Leave You In Stitches

Do you have a dog that lives in your home? I’m going to tell you something that you probably already know. Dogs can be idiots and they certainly have a goofy streak. In fact, if you were to do a side-by-side comparison with a dog and a cat, you would find out that the cat looks like a sophisticated movie star and the dog ended up looking like a circus clown. They are adorable and we love them but let’s face it, they can be clumsy and goofy at times. No wonder we love them so much!

As a celebration of the idiocy of our canine companions, we have a list of pictures that you are sure to appreciate. These images are going to put a smile on your face and make you feel good from the inside out. Please understand that there is nothing mean meant by these pictures and we certainly don’t want to harbor any ill feelings against our furry companions. Let’s just say that we have experienced this with our own dogs many times in the past and we realize it is why we love them so much.

1. Regret is an awful thing

2. This dog ran away and they came home after searching for him to find this.

3. She wanted to share her toys with the dog in the mirror

4. His best friend is a brick

5. He just pulled the sprinkler through the doggie door

6. Not every dog can be a genius

7. He’s waiting in line for a treat

8. Looks like a seal

9. Guess which dog helped with the lawn

10. The dog slipped out through an upstairs screen and needed consoling before coming back in

11. Where did that cat go?

12. Chicken legs

13. When your dog doesn’t understand boundaries

14. He ate a pot brownie (don’t worry, he is fine but now he has the munchies)

15. Which dog do you think is smarter?

16. He offers the big stick to the ‘big dogs’

17. When your dog thinks a painting is a window

18. Here’s a present for you

19. This dog knows how to hide

20. His first boat ride and he’s facing the wrong direction

21. They built a perfect doghouse under the stairs but he likes sleeping in the clothes dryer

22. My dog stares at me like this

23. Running around in the dandelion fields

24. This dog is the greatest thing ever

25. This dog got stuck in the arm of a coat

26. He was trying to get Roomba to play with her stuffed toy.

27. He broke into the food bin, ate everything and fell asleep.