15 Cats With The Most Unusual Fur Patterns You’ve Ever Seen

You probably already realize that when somebody has a cat in their family, they have something special. It just seems as if they have the ability to warm our hearts and put a smile on our face when we are at our lowest point. Of course, they make adorable and fun friends, regardless of what our mood happens to be. Sometimes, cats can even be a source of amusement and we might find that we are looking forward to seeing our cats even more than we are looking forward to seeing some of our human companions.

People seem to have an ongoing love affair with cats to the point where they will seek out pictures and videos online. For some people, it is trying to see some unusual cat antics, such as watching an adorable kitten playing with a ball of yarn. Others, however, might look for the most unusual cats they can find and there certainly are a lot of options out there. If you are somebody who loves adorable cats and enjoys the unusual, you will absolutely be blown away by the unusual fur patterns on these kitties.

1. Sam has eyebrows

2. Scrappy, a black cat turned white because of vitiligo

3. Inception? I say YES

4. They call this cat an exclamation butt.

5. Hamilton is a hipster

6. Venus has two faces

7. A superhero in the making

8. This cat looks like she is wearing fake ears

9. A cinnamon roll

10. I wonder if this cat’s name is Hitler?

11. OMG!

12. Hey Batcat, where’s Robin?

13. She must love smelling things

14. This cat is number 1

15. Four eyes