14 Hilarious Pictures Of Misbehaving Goats That Had To Wear Pool Noodles For Everyone’s Safety

One of the most amazing things in the world around us is the fact that we get to share our planet with animals. Most of us would agree that, if we had to only live with other humans, life just wouldn’t be the same. Animals seem to add a lot to our lives and they can make us happy, just by looking at them. Perhaps that is why we have them in our homes as more than pets, they become part of the family.

Although there are many different types of animals, goats are near the top of the list when it comes to fan favorites. They just seem to have a love for life and although they are generally calm, they can also be a little bit wired every once in a while. At times, the competitive nature of a goat and the fact that they are playful can take things to the next level. When that happens, their pointy horns are not necessarily friendly to anyone nearby. They could easily cause damage to property and people.

Training a goat when they are young is very important if you want to weed out any aggressive tendencies. Sometimes, you need a solution that is going to help while the training takes place and that is where pool noodles come in.

Some goats will simply disobey and don’t necessarily respect their owners. Others may just be a little bit rambunctious and it is necessary to protect any children who may be in the area.

Pool noodles are only one of the many options. You can also use a plastic bucket, tennis balls or duct tape among many other options.

Training is always going to be preferred but sometimes you just need a little help with a stubborn goat.

It has been reported that you can teach a goat to do almost anything with clicker training. “You need a clicker, which is a mechanical device that makes a click sound, and treats such as peanuts or flakes of cereal,” they write. “By combining the click with a treat, you reinforce that the goat is doing the right thing. You need to start by getting the goat to make a connection between the clicker and a treat. To do this, click the clicker and then give the goat a treat about 20 to 30 times. Your goat begins to associate the clicker with food and eventually responds to just the clicker so you don’t have to supply a treat every time.”

“After you’ve shown the goat that treats are tied to clicks, you can start training. You train by issuing a command (“Come,” for example), and then clicking as the goat does what you want it to do and giving the goat a treat after he completes his task.”

“Of course, the goat won’t follow your command without practice. If the goat doesn’t respond to the command or does the wrong thing, you can just say “wrong” or another word, and then try again. Always click as the goat does the behavior and then give the treat. If you give the treat first, you risk the goat being caught up in eating and not noticing the clicker.”

Watch this goat in action:

H/T: Bored Panda

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