Dog Fakes Her Own Death When Mom Mentions The Vet

When many of us were children, one thing that we absolutely did not enjoy doing was going to the doctor. I’ll be the first one to admit that I also don’t really appreciate going now that I’m an adult but as a child, it just seemed as if there was always something stressful that was behind that door. It didn’t matter if it was getting a shot or just getting a check up, the doctor’s office was one place that I wanted to avoid. It appears as if it is not only young human children who feel that way, dogs agree as well.

Micki Fox lives with her family, including a Shiba Inu named LuLu. Almost any day of the week the dog is the first one out of bed and just can’t wait to go for a walk or to wake everybody else up. She doesn’t care if it is the weekend or not, when it is time for her to get up, it is time for everyone to be up. That wasn’t the case, however, on this particular morning and she did something that is going fool you.

LuLu has been a member of her human family for a year and she knows whenever something is not right.

When the video was taken this morning, she really showed her intelligence because she realized that mom was coming in to get her up and take her to the veterinarian. That is when she decided to play dead until she could figure out the details.

Micki asked her: “You gonna wake up soon, sweetie?” She then gives her a little belly rub and neck massage.

Then she breaks the bad news: “You have to go to the vet soon, sweetie.”

If you thought that LuLu was difficult to get up before, it is going to be absolutely impossible to bring her to life now. She realizes what the day holds and even though her mother is persistent, she just doesn’t want to get out of bed. When her entire body is finally exposed, you can almost tell that rigor mortis has set in.

“Oh well,” Micki says. “Dead puppies don’t get treats.”

At least that did the trick.

You can watch the entire video below:

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