JD Vance Fires Back At Protesters With 4 Angry Words When Out With His Young Daughter

Many of us might go out for a walk with our children and we might talk with them along the way. It’s all a matter of getting some close family time with them, but imagine having that time interrupted.

The vice president, JD Vance is very familiar with what it is like to have your special time with your 3-year-old daughter interrupted. It happened on March 8, when he was confronted by a group of pro-Ukrainian protesters.

We don’t need anyone to tell us how tense things have been when it comes to the war in Ukraine. Just looking back to the meeting in the White House a week ago between Donald Trump and the president of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky shows that there is a serious issue.

That meeting was supposed to be the signing of the security agreement but it didn’t take long before there was shouting taking place. Some reports even say that the Ukrainian president was kicked out of the White House.

On this day when the VP was out with his 3-year-old daughter, Mirabel a group of the protesters confronted him. Vance said that his little girl was getting frightened so he asked them to stop if he would stop to talk to them.

JD Vance was hoping that giving them a few minutes of conversation one cause them to back off of his little girl. Many did stop harassing the child, but there were a few who continued to do it.

JD Vance wants them to know one thing if they continued harassing his daughter. He said: “You’re a s**t person.”

Understandably, the protesters did have the First Amendment behind them with freedom of speech but JD Vance was not out there in a political capacity at the moment. He was just taking his little daughter for a walk.

Vance released a statement on Twitter, saying:

“Today, while walking my 3-year-old daughter, a group of ‘Slava Ukraini’ protesters followed us around and shouted as my daughter grew increasingly anxious and scared

“I decided to speak with the protesters in the hopes that I could trade a few minutes of conversation for them leaving my toddler alone. (Nearly all of them agreed.)

“It was a mostly respectful conversation, but if you’re chasing a 3-year-old as part of a political protest, you’re a s**t person.”

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