JonBenét Ramsey’s Father Makes Shocking Statement 28 Years After Her Death

One of the unsolved mysteries that has captured the attention of people around the world for decades is the murder of JonBenet Ramsey. It happened in Boulder, Colorado when she was found dead in the basement of the family home on Christmas morning, 1996.

They have never officially been able to solve this mystery, but the public interest has been off the charts in some cases. Many potential suspects have come and gone, including members of the family and some individuals who were not related.

Some of the individuals who were looked into very carefully include JonBenet’s parents, John and Patsy Ramsey. Her older brother, Burke was nine years old at the time and he was also considered a suspect.

Other people who were considered possible suspects include Gary Olivia, a known pedophile, and a former teacher, John Mark Karr. Later, he admitted that he had falsely confessed to the crime and was never charged.

The girl’s father, John Ramsey, has recently shared a shocking claim regarding her murder. There was another 12-year-old girl in Boulder who was attacked by a masked intruder just nine months after she died. According to reports, he raped the child and fled when the mother intervened.

In an interview with people, John said: “To me, it could easily have been the same person.” He then said “The police blew it off as, ‘No, it’s not the same.'”

On November 25, Netflix began the series, ‘Cold Case: Who Killed JonBenét Ramsey?’. His statement came prior to that release.

John feels that the fact that so much attention was pointed in his direction that it muddied the truth. They have always maintained their innocence and no charges were ever brought against them. She passed away in 2006.

John is now urging law enforcement to use modern techniques and hopes that this will help to bring out the truth. In speaking about the issue with a 12-year-old girl, he said: ‘I think the method of operation was exactly the same. I believe the killer was in the house when we came home, waited till we went to sleep.”

The 12-year-old victim lived only 2 miles away and went to the same dance class studio as JonBenet.

John said: “They came home, set the burglar alarm, and the killer was already in the house. A very similar method, and yet the police blew it off. ‘sEven the father of the little girl said, ‘On a scale of one to 10, I rate the police minus five.’ They just … just bone-headed ignorance. But yes, I think that was very possibly the same person.”

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