People Zoom In To This Picture And Find A ‘Sinister’ Detail Lurking In The Background

Have you ever shared a picture on social media and some unseen detail gets more attention than what you had hoped? I think that Donald Trump is probably feeling that way after a picture has started circulating online.

Donald Trump was probably very happy with the model of the world’s fastest airliner that he was holding in the Oval Office. He had a big smile on his face, but after the photo was shared, it went viral for a different reason.

The picture looks relatively tame enough, with Donald Trump standing in the Oval Office and holding onto a model of the Boom Aero’s Overture One. It shows that the presidential jet is going to be replaced by that aircraft, designed by Boom.

They are calling the aircraft the ‘Son of the Concorde’.

The XP-1 model broke the sound barrier earlier this year as it gained a speed of 844 mph. Sound travels at 761 mph, so it broke that speed by 83 mph.

The CEO of Boom Aero, Blake Scholl went on Twitter to talk about the model. He said: “By popular demand, THIS very special Overture One model is now available for pre-order in the @boomaero Merch store! And these models are made in America!”

There were some responses to the post that asked about the plane and where it would be manufactured. Another person asked for a shipping date because they had one on order.

We can only imagine that they are talking about the model and not the jet.

There were many other comments, but they were more about what was behind Trump in the picture. Some eagle-eyed social media users zoomed in past Donald Trump’s ear to see a reflection of Elon Musk in the mirror.

Once one person zoomed in and saw it, they took a screenshot and hundreds of other people started commenting on it as well. One person even claimed that the hidden billionaire in the photo was ‘sinister.’

Others called it creepy or they had something else to say about it, with many of the comments being humorous.

There’s a lesson to learn here. You can’t get anything past social media.

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