Prince Harry Opens Up About The Queen First Meeting Her ‘Beloved Great-Grandchildren’

The royal family seems to always be in the news for a variety of reasons in recent years. From problems between King Charles and his sons to issues with cancer, there is always something newsworthy to speak about.

We recognize that the royal family sometimes experiences problems and 2021 seems to be a difficult year. After Prince Philip passed away, the Queen needed to carry on all of her responsibilities, despite her feelings and the hardships she was facing.

It was also in that year that Prince Harry and Meghan Markle decided to depart from the family and move to the United States. At that point, the part that they played in the royal family came to an end. Those duties would have to be redistributed to other family members and the Queen was making all the big choices.

Undoubtedly, it was a firestorm of emotions for Queen Elizabeth III, and she also had to deal with her own health problems. It was in October 2021 that the Queen was seen with a walking stick, using it for extra support while walking near Westminster Abbey. Further health problems occurred in 2022 and then she passed away on September 8 of that year.

The royal family was devastated by the loss. Even Harry, despite living in the United States at the time came home to be with his family. He also spoke about his late grandmother and some of the fond memories they had together. This included when she met her great-grandchildren.

Reports show that Harry flew to Scotland and left his wife, Meghan to do so. He was there to see his grandmother and he flew along with Prince Edward and Prince Andrew.

Harry and Meghan were already in the UK for a European trip and attending some charity events. They didn’t realize that it would occur at the same time that the Queen passed away.

Meghan had known the Queen for a few years and she said that they had a special bond. She spoke about this with Oprah Winfrey, saying: “The queen has always been wonderful to me. I’ve loved being in her company.” She then went on to call the Queen ‘warm, welcoming, and inviting.’

She also said that there were times when the Queen reminded her of her grandmother. She said: “And she has a blanket that sits across her, her knees, for warmth and it was chilly and she was like, ‘Meghan, come on.’ And put it over my knees as well. And it made me think of my grandmother, where she’s always been warm and inviting and really welcoming.’

In June 2022, Harry and Megan spent time with the Queen while attending her Jubilee. The Queen was able to meet Lillibet for the first time. According to a royal source: “Harry and Meghan had a wonderful time seeing the queen again. It was one of the biggest highlights of their year so far. She thinks they’re adorable and gave Lili and Archie gifts.”

After the Queen passed away, Harry released a statement on their Archwell website. He wrote: “In celebrating the life of my grandmother, Her Majesty The Queen—and in mourning her loss—we are all reminded of the guiding compass she was to so many in her commitment to service and duty. She was globally admired and respected. Her unwavering grace and dignity remained true throughout her life and now her everlasting legacy. Let us echo the words she spoke after the passing of her husband, Prince Philip, words which can bring comfort to all of us now: ‘Life, of course, consists of final partings as well as first meetings.’

“Granny, while this final parting brings us great sadness, I am forever grateful for all of our first meetings — from my earliest childhood memories with you, to meeting you for the first time as my Commander-in-Chief, to the first moment you met my darling wife and hugged your beloved great-grandchildren. I cherish these times shared with you, and the many other special moments in between.”

He also thanked his grandmother for the infectious smile and advice she gave him. Despite the highs and lows they experienced in their relationship, particularly after moving to the United States, it’s easy to see that Harry loved his grandmother very much.

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