Cormac Thompson Gives Us All Chills With His Cover Of ‘Empty Chairs At Empty Tables’

The Internet has introduced us to talent that the world may never have known about previously. This includes some who have gone on to become uber-famous, and such is the case with Cormac Thompson.

Cormac Thompson was only eight years old when he started singing online. The choir singer from Lancashire, UK, started his YouTube channel during the pandemic and began uploading videos.

It wasn’t long before the tenor voice of that youngster was found by Decca Records, and they wanted him to make an album. He is a familiar voice and a familiar face to many as he constantly goes viral online.

Recently, he performed a cover of ‘Empty Chairs at Empty Tables’ at London’s Masterchord studio. It was released as a part of the charity effort, Acting for Others, who provide emotional and financial support to theater workers.

Cormac was 13 years old when this video was taken. It’s amazing to think that a youth is able to develop his voice to maturity in this way at such a tender age.

When Cormac was younger during the pandemic, he would often sing to his family because they were issued orders to stay home. His Nannie loved listening to him sing so his mother started taking videos and sharing them on YouTube.

That was a moment that started his launch into stardom and every day he would keep singing. His voice has taken him far and it looks as if he has a bright career ahead of him.

You can hear him singing Empty Chairs at Empty Tables in the following video:

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