19 Women Who Stopped Hair Removal And Embraced Their Natural Bodies

When it comes to social norms, we realize that there is always going to be something that we follow. Some people follow them blindly but others will fight the system and even step out of their comfort zone to do it.

One of the social norms that most people tend to follow is the acceptable amount of hair on a woman. On top of their head, hair is perfectly acceptable but elsewhere on their body, such as their legs or armpits, it is usually shaved clean.

The following 19 women made the decision to leave their hair grow in those areas. Some people find it beautiful or refreshing and other people find it disgusting. How do you feel?

1. “I got married today and wore my natural body hair as a beautiful accessory.”

2. “For a long time, I was embarrassed to wear short sleeves on the street.”

3. No pressure to shave anymore.

4. “Love my hair.”

5. “Beach day”

6. “I don’t shave my legs either.”

7. “When you don’t take criticism well and someone comments on your pit hair…”

8. “Soft and cuddly bumble bee legs.”

9. “Armpit hair looks good.”

10. “As a mom, I feel it’s very important to model for my kid that it’s normal and natural for a woman to be razor-free!”

11. “No more afraid of what people will say about my body hair.”

12. “He has more, but I’m happy with mine! Couples that grow together, grow together, haha!”

13. “I honestly love having unshaven pits in the summer.”

14. In addition to putting flowers on the hair, you can combine them with colorful dresses.

15. “Natural just feels best.”

16. “Just got a pedicure yesterday! I’m finally learning to be comfortable going to the salon with my hairy legs!”

17. “I feel like a queen.”

18. “I had lunch with my mom yesterday. She just sent me this pic!”

19. “I love this pic. It’s probably one of my favorite expressions of self-love.”

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