Does Your Cat Bite You? Here’s Why

If you own a cat, you already know that they have a personality that is unlike any other animal. Some of them are aloof, others are needy but we love them all.

Something that you may notice about your pet is the fact that every once in a while, they will give you a little bite. It may take you by surprise, and sometimes it can even hurt, or even worse, they may puncture the skin.

There are some common reasons why a cat will bite you and understanding the difference between the types of bites you get can help you to determine how to handle the situation. Here are some reasons for your consideration:

Playfulness: If you have a cat that enjoys playing, they will sometimes bite you gently. It typically happens when they are stimulated and it is not a very aggressive nip. That being said, those teeth are sharp and it can hurt.

Love Bites: When your cat loves you, it wants to show you its affection and it does so by giving you a nibble. That little nibble is just their way of saying that they truly appreciate you and all you do for them. They might also enjoy the interaction they are getting at the time.

Hunger: If your cat is getting hungry, they might give you a playful bite on occasion. Those little affectionate bites can also be a matter of asking for attention, and they are rarely a sign of aggression when they are done in a mild way.

Stimulation: If your cat is overwhelmed with a lot of sensations, they may not be able to process it all at once. As a result, they may bite because they don’t know what else to do.

Stress: When your cat is stressed out or fearful, it may bite you out of defense. It is a natural instinct for them if they feel afraid or frightened.

Territory: Cats can sometimes assert dominance over humans by biting them in order to maintain their own territory. If you are in their space or perhaps holding their toy, they may bite you as a way to show you that they don’t appreciate the intrusion.

Illness: When a cat is in pain or ill, they can sometimes bite you unexpectedly. It is best if you have a vet check the cat’s health if they are acting in such a way.

Youth: If the cat is young, they may be playful and just want to get out some energy. Sometimes they play a little rough and they may bite you as a result.

What to Do If You Are Bit by a Cat

Bites can puncture the skin and introduce bacteria to a deeper level. It’s important to treat them properly because there can be bacteria in a cat’s mouth that could be introduced into the wound.

Treat the cat bite properly by using an antibacterial cream or cleaning the area with mild soap and running water. After applying an anti-septic, cover the wound with a bandage to protect it from contamination.

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