A Forgotten Ancient Fashion Statement Has A Modern Appeal

The fashion world is constantly changing but if you stick around long enough, most trends will circle around and show back up again. In fact, it is happening again.

You may come across something in an old box or perhaps deep in a closet that you haven’t worn in many years. You put it away because it was out of style but strangely enough, it is back in style again.

That is the case with a rather unusual item that is coming back in style in a way that many people probably never thought it would. It is from the Renaissance era, but it is trending and who knows how far it will go.

I’m talking about the bum roll, an item that was used during the Renaissance era and was considered very fashionable at the time. It is a classic piece that hasn’t been used in many years, but now it is showing up on the runway and who knows how long it will be before it is showing up in your own closet.

Trends are something that we need to keep an eye on because we want to stay on top of things to look our best. This may not be a trend that is going to spring into the world, but you never know when it is going to become even more popular and start showing up to make fashion history all over again.

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