90-Year-Old Joan Collins Looks Amazing In A Swimsuit

Hollywood celebrities often take the opportunity to jump into the spotlight. Some will do what they can to avoid it but others want to be in the spotlight as much as possible.

One Hollywood celebrity who has been around for a long time and has entertained us for years is Joan Collins. She is someone who has done amazing things in her lifetime and now that she is in her 90s, she continues to show us how confident she is.

When Joan Collins was a young woman, she would often be looked at for her poise and elegance. As a beautiful celebrity, people would look to her as an influencer, even before social media existed.

She got her big start, however, back in the 1980s when she was in the soap opera, Dynasty. She may have been active before then, but that is when she really got her foot in the door. In fact, she was earning $15,000 per episode in 1984.

She also got a lot of flak for what she did. When Joan was giving an interview in 2019, she said: “She was the first empowered woman on TV. And I got a lot of flack for it. She’s such a ballbreaker, she’s so bitchy, she’s such a vixen! You know, I was just standing up for myself as an independent woman!”

Something that amazes many people is the fact that she is still confident in her senior years. In fact, she was recently seen in a bathing suit and she posted a few pictures on Instagram that show she still has what it takes to influence others.

The photos of her with her 57-year-old husband, Piercy Gibson, were also something that took many people by surprise. She was absolutely stunning looking, and you can tell that she and her husband are happy.

She found a very strong bond with Percy, and she spoke about how their relationship blossomed during the pandemic. She said: “Being in lockdown has made me realize how strong our relationship really is. I love entertaining guests at the villa, traveling and socializing, but that changed and because of the restrictions it’s just Percy and me. The great thing is we’re partners in crime, accomplices.”

It’s amazing to see how well she has done and we hope that she continues to enjoy life for many more years to come.

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