You Have To Have A High IQ To Get This Pattern

Riddles take on many different forms but sometimes, they involve numbers. Not everybody is going to appreciate a math riddle, but if you give it a chance, you might just find it presents quite a challenge.

The math riddle that we have for you today is all about focus. You really have to be focused and you have to be somewhat smart to accomplish what this simple riddle sets out to do. Give it a try and you might be surprised with just how difficult it can be.

As far as brainteasers are concerned, this is one of the harder ones we’ve seen in quite some time. The solution may seem simple to some but to others, it is going to be practically impossible. In fact, you might find that you end up giving up before you even start.

Don’t be too quick to throw in the towel, however, because solving a riddle such as this provides many benefits. Not only can it help to sharpen your skills in many different ways, but it also provides you with a little boost to your ego, and all of us could use that from time to time.

Not everybody is going to be up to the challenge but those who have taken it on and succeeded have the right to brag. Perhaps you are already trying to figure it out in your head, and we are going to share the solution with you below.

Let’s take a look at it together. Just make sure that you give it a fair try before you look at the solution.

In order to start, you need to look at the difference between the numbers in sequence. The difference between the first and second numbers is 7. The difference between the second and third numbers is 6. The difference between the third and the fourth numbers is 5.

Continuing with that pattern, you have 7, 6, 5, 4, and you finally land at 3.

When you subtract 3 from 77, you come up with the answer of 74!

Were you able to get the answer on your own?

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