She Paid For The House But Her Husband Wants To Co-Own It

There may be many things that we argue about when we are married. It can be anything from who left the cap off the toothpaste all the way to some serious issues.

Perhaps the thing that is going to come up more often than any other in an argument is finances. We don’t always see eye to eye with our significant other, and there are problems at times when it comes to financial differences.

Finances came up in the following relationship and she wanted some advice on whether she was in the right or not. Read the following scenario and then you be the judge as to whether she took things too far.

My husband and I have been married for 8 years. We’ve been renting a house as we couldn’t afford to buy our own home. Recently, after my beloved dad passed away, I sold his old apartment and some of his precious belongings, leaving me with a sum that finally allowed us to buy our own house.

My husband insists that as my life partner, he should also co-own the house.

When I declined, he declared, “In that case, you should use your money to pay me back all the money I spent on rent over these years. At least half of it, since you lived with me and didn’t contribute financially.”

To my horror, he added, “If you refuse, then maybe we should reconsider our marriage and our future together.” In fact, I haven’t worked since we got married; I stayed at home to raise our son. My husband has been the sole provider for us and has covered the rent all these years.

But that doesn’t mean he should automatically co-own the house bought solely with my father’s money, meaning MY money.

What do you think I should do?

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