Child Star From ‘Little Rascals’ Calls His Son A Heir And His Daughters ‘Dishwashers’

One of the stars of the 1994 movie, The Little Rascals, is being criticized. He’s all grown up at this point, and it seems as if he is making waves on the social media platform, X.

According to Bug Hall, his children have different roles in the family. His new son is being referred to as the heir but his daughters are being referred to as dishwashers. Let’s just say that people aren’t happy with the not-funny joke.

You can see the post in question, as it is still circulating on Twitter.

After he made this post, one of the commenters pointed out that he already had four daughters. That is when he responded: “I said heir, not dishwasher.”

After making that statement, more and more people came forward to express how angry they were at the outrageous comparison. They begin calling him disgusting, toxic, and loathing.

In his social media biography, Paul refers to himself as being a “patriarch to 5 ladies,” a “medieval moralist” and a “patriot”. He just refused to let this one go, and he continued to defend the joke as more people commented on it.

One of the commenters even suggested that his wife should divorce him but he said: “I made the same joke to my wife while she was in labor. We both had a good laugh. Hard as it is for you to comprehend, most normal people are still rich in humor and joy. Stay miserable, curmudgeon.”

Someone had also questioned why he had a hyphen included in his newborn son’s name. He said: “I legally took my stepfather’s last name before I got married, because I wanted to honor him by giving my family his name. He’s a great man who raised me from a toddler.

“At the time I didn’t think it was good idea to get rid of my professional name, hence the hyphen.”

I’m sure this is going to be debated and commented on for quite some time. Let’s just say it’s an interesting thing to watch.

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