Keep The Roker Family In Your Thoughts And Prayers

When we hear the death of someone we love and care about, it is always going to take us by surprise. Perhaps that is why so many people are surprised with the news from the Roker family recently.

Al Roker went on Instagram on June 11 to report the sad news. He said that there was a loss in his family and that their beloved dog, Pepper, had died at the age of 12.

Like many dogs, Pepper was a part of their lives in a very special way. He wrote: “Twelve years ago, this sweet little girl named Pepper changed our lives. Yesterday, we had to say goodbye. While our hearts are heavy, they are also fuller because of all the love she bestowed on everyone who got to meet her.”

Now that Pepper has passed away, the Rocher family is feeling a void. Al didn’t say any of the details associated with her death but did say that they rescued Pepper in 2012 from a Pennsylvania rescue facility. He would often post about Pepper on social media and even his wife shared a heartfelt remembrance on her Twitter account.

She wrote: “She arrived on my birthday. Wasn’t even supposed to be ours. The rescue coordinator had promised the perfect pup for us. A beautiful mop looking mutt who would be gentle with kids.”

When you have a dog for 12 years, they truly become a member of the family. As many dog owners know, they are a family member from the moment they come into the house.

“For 12 years, Pepper continued to do just that. A quiet sweetheart. Months later during the Christmas chaos of gift unwrapping, she pooped under the tree. We eeewwed and screamed and laughed. The unconditional love affair had begun.”

Pepper stuck with Deborah by her side on a regular basis. Deborah always appreciated how much love she could get and it was always unconditional. She said: “Today I woke up to a world without her. A quiet house. Her toys and beds… still. No wagging tail. Yet, her warmth still lingers. Our hearts are aching. But wow. What a beautiful gift of memories she gave. We miss you, dear Pep.”

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