Meghan Markle Opens Up About A Touching Conversation She Had With Princess Lilibet

The royal family always gets the spotlight, and sometimes, it is a light that is seen behind the scenes. Such was the case with Megan Markle and a conversation she had with Princess Lilibet, her daughter.

When the Duchess of Sussex and her husband resigned from royal duties, they traveled abroad and eventually moved to the United States. During a trip, Megan Markle had a conversation with Lilibet and has shared it.

It was during a three-day tour that Prince Harry was having in Nigeria on May 10. The Duchess of Sussex shared the conversation that she had with Princess Lilibet, who is two years old.

Megan spoke to a kindergarten class, saying: “Our daughter, Lili, she’s much, much tinier than you guys.” She spoke about how a few weeks prior to this meeting, little about was looking into her mother’s eyes and saw her own reflection. She said: “Mama, I see myself in you.”

It was true that Princess Lilibet was speaking literally and her 42-year-old mother was willing to accept that. When she really stopped to think about the meaning behind it, it meant a lot more. She said: “Yes, I do see myself in you, and you see me in you.”

She then addressed the students, saying: “As I look around this room, I see myself in all of you as well.”

During the time that the couple was in Nigeria, they spent a lot of time with their children, including Prince Archie. They played games and enjoyed singing and dance lessons. Megan even said that dancing was Lilibet’s favorite class. She said: “Perhaps it’s all the hopping around.”

For the most part, Megan and Harry try to stay out of the limelight. Occasionally, however, they will share information about their family life. This includes when the Duke of Sussex was on Good Morning America and let everyone know that the kids were doing great.

He went on to say: “They both have an amazing sense of humor and make us laugh and keep us grounded every single day like most kids do.” “I’m just really appreciative to be a father.”

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