When we are looking for revenge, we rarely want other people to know about it. There may be a few that are in on the secret but for the most part, we want to keep it private.
Even after we get revenge, we may still want to be quiet about the overall situation. We revel in the fact that we were able to get even but we realize that if we reveal too much, it could cause problems.
That is why we were so surprised to hear the following people speak about times that they secretly got revenge. Read the stories and feel good about the outcome.
1. Yeah, It Sucks To Be Me
“I worked at a Bose store years ago, when I was about 24, in an incredibly slow area.
We still did a little under $1,000,000 a year, but there were days where we stood around with very little to do. Oftentimes, we would clean the outside windows, since the little mall we were in no longer had outside custodians (the Bose store was the anchor for that outlet mall).
It was cold, so I put on my black hoodie, got my bucket, rag, and squeegee, and headed out to work.
Now, I was still in my uniform, but with the hoodie on, only my khaki pants and black dress shoes were visible, no identifying tag to show I worked for Bose.
Up walks a young man, 22 (saw it on his resume later), and before I can greet him and say I’ll be right with him, he walks past me and mutters:
‘Sucks to be you.’
I grin. I can’t help it. I set my stuff down, walk into the building, take my hoodie off, and stand behind the counter, in my Bose shirt, with my Bose name tag, where he’s waiting, with his application and resume in hand.
His look was the best and most satisfying thing of it all – I read it as sucks to be me.
I took it to the store manager and told him the story, then suggested he give the kid a callback and tell him his skills would be better suited to something similar to a window washer.
My manager did it, too.”
2. I Got My Revenge And Helped My Son With His Project
“Once I knew my partner was unfaithful to me. It was pretty obvious. Not only had his habits changed, but he was going to the gym and looking into hair removal for the first time, but I didn’t say anything about it. He was a furry burger and I knew that bothered him. So, I decided to help him look more attractive but I wasn’t sure exactly how until my son started learning how to make Home Made Sugar Wax.
So I put 2 + 2 together and decided I could help my significant other look and feel better, well, lol, maybe not feel better but to look better, and also give my son an avenue to test his sugar wax on someone.
You see recipes are testy when you live at a high altitude. It’s so easy to overcook. So, I really didn’t want my son testing his new Home Made Sugar Wax on his own delicate skin when I had a willing lab rat conveniently right there at home.
We followed instructions exactly with much care. My son cooked it, and then I lovingly coated my S.O.’s lower legs up to his knees in the wax and we covered them with the strips we made. While those were setting, we did a couple of spots on his chest and a smiling line just right below them.
After we finished the coating process on the top, enough time had passed that the legs should have been perfect for stripping the hair right off them.
But it seems when you live at 10,000 feet, sometimes overcooking really isn’t that obvious as we learned in this case, lol. So, when I tried to pull the strips off they just would not move. They were stuck. My SO tried to pull them off, but it was too painful and he couldn’t do it on his own.
I suggested he soak the strips off in the tub, but he was afraid the approximate 2 cups of wax I had applied to him would get stuck around his junk and possibly glue it to his trunk, which was actually a very real possibility.
So it really seemed there were only 2 choices, they either be left on until they fell off in a few weeks, or be pulled off.
Since leaving them on was not an option for him, he begged and pleaded with my son to pull the strips off as he was the only one strong enough to do it.
How gross is that? Excuse me? Your mom’s SO wanting you to pull the wax strips off your body.
It just was not a possibility. After some negotiation, he decided to pay my son $50 to pull them off so that it was more of a professional endeavor rather than a personal favor.
By the time the process of removal actually started more than an hour had passed. Maybe 2? So they were really attached.
With my big strong son sitting on my SO’s stomach while I attempted to hold his feet down, one by one, my son ripped away as my SO screamed in agony as the strips came off, L**O.
Once removed he had a big Smiley Face fashioned out of bald spots across his chest and upper torso while having perfectly smooth legs up to his knees which left him looking like he was wearing fur shorts.
Yeah, after that I really looked forward to him going on his next outing. I seriously could not get him out of the house fast enough as I sincerely felt this was going to be better than the E-lax cookies he had eaten for his last outing.
To this day, I’m not sure what possessed me to do such a thing, as that’s not commonly the way I handle things, but I have to say it made the break up so much more enjoyable when I finally did have that chat with him.
So, I don’t regret it as it was too much fun!”
3. Gossiping Acquaintances Got Confronted
“My daughter worked in a popular bagel shop on weekends and summer in High School.
We had a neighbor that was very competitive and jealous of me I guess and my kids, never knew why. She went to the bagel shop where my daughter worked with one of her friends and waited in line until my daughter would be the one that waited on them. Pretending to whisper but certainly loud enough for my daughter and other employees and patrons to hear, the neighbor said to her friends, ‘you can tell that is S’s daughter, you can tell by the nose.’
My daughter and son were great students in HS, popular, good-looking, and always very giving and nice to everyone. I guess she just wanted to hurt someone’s feelings. My daughter came home and told me about it, her feelings were hurt. I told her to pay no attention, some people are just small and it wasn’t very nice, just ignore.
The next time I saw that neighbor she was with a few other women in a store shopping.
She ran up to me and said, ‘S, I haven’t seen you in ages, how are you and hubby and the kids, blah, blah.’ This is not my normal reaction but I did it anyhow. I looked her in the eye and spoke loudly, we are all fine, thanks for asking. Then I said, Nancy, I’ve always wanted to say this to you since you attempted to make a young girl feel bad on a couple of occasions.
My daughter could always get a nose job (she doesn’t need one) but there isn’t a darned thing you can do about your beady eyes or lack of personality and class! She stopped dead in her tracks, especially as the cackle from the other women filled her ears. Whenever she runs into me, she heads any direction but mine!”