Old Frozen Embryo Grows Into A New Baby Using A Young Woman

Having a child is not the easiest thing in the world to do. For many couples, it may even be close to impossible because of their physical makeup.

When Tina and Benjamin decided to get pregnant, they tried for five years but found out they couldn’t conceive because he had cystic fibrosis. They then began looking into adopting and became foster parents.

They were not quite sure what direction to go in but Tina’s father told her about using a frozen embryo to have a baby. At first, she resisted but then she kept thinking about it and shared her thoughts with Benjamin. He was thinking about the same thing.

It took some time to do the research but eventually, they were able to adopt a frozen embryo. This is similar to what he would have to do to adopt a baby, because they had to go through a home study and choose the embryo from some 300 profiles.

Eventually, they chose the embryo that would become their daughter, Emma Wren Gibson. Nobody is exactly sure, but they feel the embryo was donated in 1992.

The National Embryo Donation Center in Knoxville performed the procedure and they worked very hard to ensure that things went as well as they could. Tina and Benjamin were thrilled when the baby was born, even though they did not genetically have a connection.

It was a difficult road for them to take, but it was one that allowed a little embryo to become the baby she was able to become.

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