German Shepherd Realizes He’s At The Vet And Has The Funniest Reaction

Do you enjoy going to the doctor? Like many people, you probably have a little bit of anxiety when you know that the trip to the doctor is inevitable. When you were young, your family may have even have tried to hide the fact that you were going to the doctor’s office until you actually got there. They weren’t doing it to be mean, they were trying to save you a little stress.

It seems as if it is not only humans who dislike going to the doctor’s office, even dogs would rather do anything else. Perhaps they had a bad experience at some time in the past and now they recognize the veterinarian’s office by the way it looks, smells or the sounds that are nearby. In any case, they may panic when they get to the vet’s office parking lot and that was the case with Enzo, a delightful German Shepherd. He recently showed just how much he disliked the veterinarian.

Enzo is quite excited when he first gets in the car but suddenly, he realizes where he is going. It isn’t long before his excitement turns to anxiety when he learns that he is headed straight for the veterinarian’s office. When they finally pull into the office, he can’t hide his stress any longer.

Most of us think of German shepherds as being a brave breed but Enzo is making no bones about his fear. You can see him in the video whimpering as the owners announced that they have arrived.

The following is from the AKC about the German Shepherd breed:

“German Shepherd Dogs can stand as high as 26 inches at the shoulder and, when viewed in outline, presents a picture of smooth, graceful curves rather than angles. The natural gait is a free-and-easy trot, but GSDs can turn it up a notch or two and reach great speeds. There are many reasons why GSDs stand in the front rank of canine royalty, but experts say their defining attribute is character: loyalty, courage, confidence, the ability to learn commands for many tasks, and the willingness to put their life on the line in defense of loved ones. GSDs will be gentle family pets and steadfast guardians, but, the breed standard says, there’s a “certain aloofness that does not lend itself to immediate and indiscriminate friendships.”

There is no doubt that this German Shepherd is still a loyal companion and a faithful protector. There are many other German shepherds who also are the same, including Captain, a German Shepherd who has been visiting his owner’s grave for 6 years. His widow said:

“We searched for him, but he had vanished. We thought he must have got run over and died. The following Sunday we went to the cemetery, and Damian recognized his pet. Capitan came up to us, barking and wailing as if he were crying.”

Captain continues to visit the grave every day.

“He turned up here one day, all on his own, and started wandering all around the cemetery until he eventually found the tomb of his master. During the day he sometimes has a walk around the cemetery, but always rushes back to the grave. And every day, at six o’clock sharp, he lies down on top of the grave, stays there all night.”

When he is missing from home, they know he is at the cemetery. They also know he will be there until he dies because he’s looking after his master.

Enzo may have a little fear but he is probably just as loyal as any other German shepherd. When his owners tell him it is time to go inside, he will probably crawl out of the car and put one foot in front of the other.

You can watch the moment that Enzo realizes he is at the vet in this video:

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