It doesn’t matter who we are, there are going to be times when we feel as if we got the short end of the stick. When those moments occur, there are also going to be times when we want to get revenge.
Although revenge may feel good in many cases, it also carries a lot of problems with it as well. Not everybody is willing to take that risk, but that doesn’t mean that they aren’t interested in feeling good.
If you would like to experience the benefits of revenge without the possibility of negative consequences, you can experience it through others. Read these experiences of revenge and live through them.
1. Think You Can Cut 200 People In Line? Back Of The Line, It Is
Maybe you’ll think about what you’ve done in the time you spend in the long line.
“I was at an amusement park earlier this year. A brand new ride had just opened so of course there was a huge line for it.
I had taken my girl that day and bought us Fast Passes to skip the lines.
Fast passes cost nearly three times as much as a regular pass there.
It was around noon, on a hot day, and my gf and I head over to the new ride. We circled it and weren’t able to see any fast pass lines. But we both wanted to go on the new attraction so we just got into the regular line, the signs said we were about 45 mins from the front.
Immediately behind us was a large lady (EM), with her son (EK) who was about ten.
My girl then spots some people entering a different cue wearing purple wristbands (fast passes).
So we go past the boy and his mom, exit the line and enter the new line. Since it had just opened I guess they hadn’t made an official sign for it yet, but there was a little gate with a paper taped on to it that read FAST PASS & Wheelchairs.
We go through, and there are about 20 people in front of us now.
After about a minute, we see the EM and EK behind us again. I didn’t make much of it, they probably hadn’t seen the entrance just as we had. But my girl whispers in my ear they don’t have fast passes.
I look at their wrists, and she’s right. Their wristbands are green, the regular ones.
She asks me if maybe we should say something so they don’t waste their time. Poor kid, I think to myself, he probably wants to get on the ride as quickly as possible, they’re just gonna send them back when they reach the front.
So I tap on EM’s shoulder, and say, ‘Excuse me, this line is for purple wristbands only. They won’t let you go through here.
You can go back -‘
‘They’ll let me through, they always do!’ She exclaims.
My partner and I look at each other like w*f.
‘Okay, sorry!’ I reply.
About three mins go by, and I guess we had been distracted for a little bit, cuz I see there’s about a 5-foot gap in the line in front of us. So we turn to move forward.
And EM shoves passed us, her son right behind her.
I open my mouth to say something but decide against it. They’re not gonna get on the ride anyway, so there’s really no point. Staff is really strict about the wristbands.
We finally reach the front of the line, and the ride operator asks to see EK and EM’s wristbands. They were clearly trying to hide them by keeping their hands behind their back.
EM quickly shows her wristband, runs past the attendant and immediately starts getting on the ride. Her son does the exact same. The ride operator tells her that this is the Fast Pass Line and that she has to go back to the end of the regular line.
‘Okay, next time I will. I didn’t know,’ EM responds.
‘No, you’re gonna go, exit the ride and go to the back of the line.’
She lowers her son’s harness, and then hers.
‘I already lowered the harness, I’ll use the normal line next time. Promise!’
The ride operator turns around and lets me and my gf through.
There weren’t any seats available on the ride anymore so I knew they were gonna get kicked off.
The ride operator walks to her station on the other side of the platform, presses a button on the console, and all the harness go up.
She walks towards us again and gives EM a dirty look. EM looks livid, like a demon from a horror movie angry. She violently gets up and out of the platform cursing the operator with her son right behind her.
Once off the ride, the EK looks back and spits on the seat.
The ride operator goes to get some Lysol wipes and cleans off the seat.
My gf and I sit on the ride and lower the harnesses, the ride operator leans in to make sure they’re tight.
‘They’re really angry,’ I jokingly tell the ride operator.
‘They will be when they find out he isn’t tall enough.’ She replies.”
2. The Elevator Is Broken, But Since You Don’t Want To Believe Us…
“So I’m an elevator technician.
When they break, I’m the one who fixes them. When parts wear out, I replace them. You get it. The other day I was on a job replacing a worn-out emergency light. Back in the day, it was a habit to use the battery of the emergency light to power the elevator’s siren system.
Modern emergency lights have different voltages being LED, so I can’t use the old way of connecting everything. So, I have to wire everything up from scratch, including a new battery and siren. No big deal, but it takes a little longer to complete the task. Note that this is a 3 stop elevator.
(Ground floor, 1st, and 2nd). I start by hanging up all my ‘out of order’ signs and start working on the ground floor.
5 minutes in, just disassembled the old piece, the story begins. In comes the Entitled Woman (mid-40s, can walk perfectly fine) carrying 1 barely filled grocery bag.
Entitled Woman: ‘Excuse me, is the elevator broken again?’
Me: ‘Not exactly ma’am, I’m changing this (showing her the new emergency light) because the old one wasn’t working anymore. This will probably take about an hour to complete.’
(At this point her daughter walks in)
EW: ‘How am I supposed to get my groceries upstairs?’
Me: Getting annoyed, I look at her bag, and give her the ‘Are you freaking kidding me?’ look
Daughter: ‘Mom, seriously, take the stairs, it’s 2 floors.’ (Clearly annoyed)
EW: ‘NO! I pay for this elevator, and I need it now!’
D: (sigh) ‘I’m going up.’ (And takes the stairs)
EW: ‘How long is this going to take?’
Me: ‘Like I said, ma’am, about an hour.’
The woman then sits her butt down on a bench in the hallway waiting for me to finish.
Really? Oh well, I do my thing in the cabin, not hurrying at all, mount the new E-light to the ceiling, and pack my things to go 1 floor up, to start the wiring on the top of the cabin.
EW: ‘You done yet?’
Me: ‘No, ma’am, I still have to wire things up on top of the elevator.’
EW: ‘No, I can see you’re done, you’re packing your things!’
Me: ‘Yes, I have to take my bag 1 floor up so I can start on the wiring.’
EW: ‘Can’t I use it now?’
Me: ‘No ma’am, you can’t, there’s exposed wiring up there, if you use it now you can cause a short and you will get stuck.
It’s really not safe.’
And she sits back down on the bench, seriously angry. I take my bag and make my way upstairs. As soon as I stand in front of the 1st-floor door, I hear the door on the ground floor close, and sure enough, EW went into the elevator and tried to take it upstairs. Heck no, I wasn’t having that.
I take my emergency key and as soon as the elevator started moving, I open the lock, cutting the safety chain, and the elevator comes to a sudden stop. This scared the crap out of her and she screams! I open the door and in my most fake surprised voice, I yell ‘OH NO, WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!’ while calmly pressing the emergency stop on top of the elevator.
Yep, this thing isn’t going anywhere soon.
Me: ‘This is exactly why I said the elevator is unsafe to use now. I’ll do my best to get it working again asap, but you made a mess up here so I don’t know how long it’s going to take.’ (There was no mess, but I couldn’t resist teaching her a little lesson)
EW: (swears, yells and makes a scene)
Me: ‘I’ll be right back, I have to go to the engine room to see if I can get it working again.’
I close the door and make my way up. On the second floor, the daughter came out of the apartment because of the yelling of her mother.
I quickly explained what happened.
D: (raising her voice) ‘Oh no!
Please get her out of there!’
But then she comes closer and whispers to me: ‘Don’t hurry, make her suffer.’ That’s my kind of girl!
Music to my ears! I smile, give her a thumbs up, and make my way up to the engine room. I call my supervisor to explain the situation, in case she files a complaint.
In the engine room I start playing around with the fuses, putting her in the dark, because yea, I haven’t connected the e-light yet.
I play with her for about half an hour before I turn off the emergency stop I activated, the elevator synchronizes to the lowest floor, and I wait for the doors to open.
Me: ‘PLEASE, don’t EVER do that again!’
EW (white as a sheet, shaking) ‘N-no, I won’t.’ And she takes the stairs and goes inside.
I never heard from her again.
I calmly finish my job, and leave the building with a smile on my face. Mission accomplished.
FYI – I made sure there never was any risk. It was intentional that the elevator was able to move because I needed it to. Otherwise, I wouldn’t be able to access the car top because of the distance between the floors. I tested all safeties I was going to need before I started the work.
I disconnected the old light, which was convenient with a plug when I tested said car top safeties, so there never were exposed live wires.
When I blocked the door with my bag, I never left the site. On every floor, the ‘out of order’ tag was placed over the floor call buttons, and the reason why I initially started working on the ground floor is so people who enter the building can clearly see me working when the elevator was still ‘active.’
The moment when I started working on the car top, and people couldn’t see me when entering the building, I did make use of the stop button, that I already tested, to prevent the elevator from reacting to calls. Every action I took was well thought out, potential risks were considered, and actions were taken to eliminate them.
If I really needed that elevator to stay where it was, I would make sure it would.”
3. Drive Like A Total Jerk? You’ll Be Buying More Than Just A New Car
“First, a little backstory.
I’m a college student and cycle to campus every day. It’s not a long ride at all, but I have to go through a zone where it’s illegal to ride a bicycle on the sidewalk.
Therefore, I’m forced to ride on the road. Most drivers don’t care and just go around me since I stay to the edge and don’t make myself a nuisance. Also, I have a crappy ebike that I commute on. This will be important later.
A few weeks ago, a guy in a Ford SUV (I don’t know exactly which kind) started yelling at me as he drove by while I was in the road-only zone.
All the usual ‘get off the road, roads are for cars, you’re too slow’ kinda stuff. I get that from drivers on a weekly basis, I just ignore and keep going. This man was special though since he cut right in front of me and slammed on his brakes after yelling. I was able to stop before I hit him, and he floored it out of there, yelling ‘better be careful next time, bike!’
I was pretty mad, but I hadn’t got his license plate or anything and I doubt anything could be done about it anyway, there was no real proof.
Over lunch, I told one of my friends who works as an EMT the story, and he got seriously mad. Apparently, he has seen the results of a car successfully brake-checking on a cyclist, and they aren’t pretty.
Two days later, the same Ford SUV/jerk tried to brake-check me again. I was expecting it as soon as I heard him yelling, ‘get on the sidewalk, bike!’ from behind, so I avoided a crash again. I told my EMT friend over lunch again, and he was even angrier than before. I wanted to let it go since I can’t really do anything about him, and my bicycle isn’t going to win in a crash.
This guy keeps trying to brake check me every few days during my morning commute, whenever we’re on the same patch of road at the same time. About a week ago, my EMT friend told me that he told my story to one of his friends in the campus police, who was equally angry. The two of them wanted to catch this jerk driver.
The plan was to have the policeman parked on the side of the road in hopes of catching and pulling over the jerk. I heartily agreed, and the officer pulled some strings and had himself posted on speeder-catching duty for that stretch of road.
A few days passed uneventfully with no sign of the road-rager. I saw the cop parked in the same spot on the side of the road every day, a spot where the road has a left-turn lane and a straight lane.
Finally, I’m pedaling along and I hear the familiar voice scream, ‘get the off the freaking road, jerk!’ I yelled back ‘catch me then!’ and took off. I was spinning my scrawny little chicken legs as hard as they would go, and pegged the throttle. I guess this made the driver even angrier because I heard his engine roar as he pursued me.
He shifted into the left lane as I stayed in the right.
I looked to the side and saw a nasty old man in the driver’s seat with the passenger window open. His mouth was going like he was yelling, but I couldn’t hear him over the wind noise. I saw the police car’s spot approaching and started to slow down. Taking the opportunity, the driver swung right in front of me. I don’t know if it was the speed or his anger that made him swing wide, but he cut across my lane and crashed STRAIGHT INTO THE BACK OF THE POLICE CAR.
I barely applied my brakes (slowed down to about 15 mph) and crashed into the side of his car. The officer got out (spitting mad would be an understatement) and called an ambulance and another police car. Everyone was unhurt since the jerk was going only like 25 mph, but there was enough of an impact to trigger the SUV’s airbags. The jerk ended up getting arrested for driving intoxicated (seriously, who drinks before 9 AM?), for an illegal lane change, and probably other stuff too.
I don’t know all the details. I imagine that causing a crash like that would entail some additional charges.
The guy ended up having to pay for extensive repairs on the police cruiser and for a new ebike to replace the one he destroyed by cutting in front of me (the frame snapped.) On top of that, I hear that his car was defined as totaled by his insurance company since the airbags went off, so he also has to pay for a new car.
With any luck, he’ll lose his license from the intoxicated driving charges and won’t be able to menace cyclists again.”